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Finding My Passion - Music.

"Sometimes life gives you an answer when you look for it". It is a little cheesy isn't it?
But sometimes the cheesy things in life matter. Particularly in my case.
So when i was 7-8 years old, i took music lessons, i used to learn to play the keyboard. And to be honest i wasn't even interested in it. So after taking Unfruitful lessons for 2 years i stopped learning. However, as i grew up, i got exposed to bands like Coldplay, OneRepublic,
Imagine Dragons, etc. I started to listen more, Music from the 70s, 80s, which really made me love music in general. So for me, the constant exposure to the art made me love it.  So i subsequently started taking guitar lessons. But i didn't quit this time. I fell in love with the instrument. I left taking the lessons and started learning on my own. I watched tutorials, looked up chords and what not. I wanted to learn more. I went on to start learning music production as i was really curious about the whole music making process.
More learning took place..and then i got to a point where i started questioning about my purpose in life, my ultimate dream. I was confused and doubtful about pursuing music as there was so much competition around. I was so stressed and confused. But then i closed my eyes and tried to picture my view of success. 
I saw a HUGE crowd, lights all around, confetti, a large stage and then there was the middle of it. I had a mic in my hand, i was singing one of my songs and the crowd, full of euphoria cheered me on..The love, the thrill and the euphoria i felt at that moment cannot be explained by mere words. Those emotions made me realize my self worth.
I knew i had to do this, no matter the amount of work it took or the risk involved. I would get to that vision. But then there were doubts. I used to look at other successful musicians and literally feel that i was not on that skill level and that i should probably go and settle for less. But if the desire for greatness is strong, no amount of self doubt can surpass that. 
So i started practicing - Guitar, piano, singing, music production, composing etc. 
But i started when i was 15-16 years old, not like those already successful musicians which started at an early age. I thought it was too late for it. But i went on with that doubt in my mind. 
And i'm still not a pro by any means..but i'm going on. But at least i found an answer to what my passion really was. It's a step in the right direction.
So for inspiration and motivation as to how to lead my life the right way, not just in music, but generally in life, i read a lot of inspirational books, biographies, etc. These books really helped me set goals and focus on them and never give up. For me reading books is like expanding your learn a lot from them. Props to the extremely talented authors.
So through my blog - Life Of An Aspiring Musician, i hope to inspire other visionaries and aspiring musicians by sharing stories and tips which i hope would guide you and motivate you.

These were some books that really inspired me and i hope they would help you too!
Check them out:


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