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Showing posts from June, 2020

How to make your Music stand out

The idea of being unique is basically a fantasy in this day and age. Everyone complains a bout the music industry being over-saturated but in reality, we’re just scared to stand out. One of the best progressions any musician makes towards their career is when they discover their “SOUND”, their own style of melodies which eventually goes on to become their signature while writing music.  In a perfect world, this would be the best time to be an independent artist. Not only do you get to keep all the rights to your music, but you also have access to million dollar resources for pennies. Everyone is doing the same exact thing. Producers are making the same beats and artists are biting each other’s style. This creates a stagnancy that would require a massive marketing budget and a long list of connections to break out of. That’s probably the only reason why certain major artists are still relevant… Which means that if you’re still grinding and you sound exactly like 90%