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Showing posts from October, 2019

Get Your Practice Sessions Right.

When i took the decision to set out on my musical journey, i knew that it would take monotonous practice to get there. So i started practicing like hell..i would just pick up my guitar or any other instrument and ramble on for hours. But did that made me good at them? Not at all.  Practice smart, not hard . Cause practicing hard doesn't always mean that you are practicing the right way and learning new things.  But i didn't realize that. I would just grab my instrument and start singing my favorite songs and call it "practice".  And this showed in my playing skills too.  I wasn't able to play correctly. You too must've experienced this too while learning your instrument.. So what's the best way to tackle this problem? Well according to me, there a handful of solutions for how to practice your instrument the right way: Pick a certain aspect concerning you, and then practice it: Instead of mindlessly playing your instrument, pick a certa

Finding My Passion - Music.

"Sometimes life gives you an answer when you look for it". It is a little cheesy isn't it? But sometimes the cheesy things in life matter. Particularly in my case. So when i was 7-8 years old, i took music lessons, i used to learn to play the keyboard. And to be honest i wasn't even interested in it. So after taking Unfruitful lessons for 2 years i stopped learning. However, as i grew up, i got exposed to bands like Coldplay, OneRepublic, Imagine Dragons, etc. I started to listen more, Music from the 70s, 80s, which really made me love music in general. So for me, the constant exposure to the art made me love it.  So i subsequently started taking guitar lessons. But i didn't quit this time. I fell in love with the instrument. I left taking the lessons and started learning on my own. I watched tutorials, looked up chords and what not. I wanted to learn more. I went on to start learning music production as i was really curious about the whole music mak